
Baby Fever

Well, things are pretty quiet on the adoption front, but we have faith and patience.

The one thing I wasn’t expecting during this process, was to get baby fever.  Had it now for about 2 months, and it’s just not going away.
Mike would prefer to adopt, because he’s not too keen on going through the baby phase again.  He said he’s really happy where we are right now, and is enjoying the antisipation of adoption, and bringing a child in need into our family.
At this point, I would prefer adoption, because I want to save a life, but my biological clock says now, and adoption could take years.  So I’m completely torn, and am letting Mike take the wheel on this one 🙂

Update: The Stand-Still

It’s been a little while since I posted last, because nothing has really happenin in our process.  We’ve almost completed the adoption application, but have a few questions.  I’ve called the agency a few times with no response.  It’s disappointing, but I can only imagine how busy they are, so we’re being patient 🙂  As soon as I have any news, I’ll be sure to update the blog again 🙂

No Home For Chica

We thought we had found a new home for our Chica (Chihuahua), but it didn’t work out, so we’re continuing our efforts.  I’ll keep you posted

Too Many Children

How many children is too many?

I learned today that a family member thinks I have my work cut out for me with 3 kiddos, and should not be adopting a fourth.  This opinion was to be expected, but hurtful all the same.  To be insulted as a parent is something that will raise the hackles of any mama bear, including this one.  My family is my world, and I will protect and defend them with everything in me.  We’re not perfect, and we’ve faced a few giant hurtles over the years – ADHD, Bipolar Disorder and Optic Atrophy (legally blind), but we’re closer and stronger in spite of life’s adversities.

Is it more difficult to parent when you’re legally blind?  Probably, so I’m extra creative and attentive, which isn’t a bad thing.  I have to vacuum more often, especially when the kiddos are toddlers, I cut their food extra small so they won’t choke, and my ears are well tuned to the different tones in their voices and what they mean.  Has our 8 year old walked out the door without socks on, or our 2 year old unrolled the toilet paper?  Yes, on more than one occasion.  Does that mean I’m over my head?  Not from my point of view.  My boys are loud, messy and curious, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I’d love to know how adding one more child to our family would be overwhelming for me.  I may get a little extra sleep and time to myself, but she can only make me a less selfish, more rounded, better person, and that’s something I’m ready to embrace.  With each additional child we’ve had my house has gotten cleaner, I’ve lost weight,  and Mike and I have grown closer.  It’s chaotic at times, but my children make my life better.


Now that we’ve made our announcement public, I’m trying to prepare myself for all the different reaction.  Of course there will be those who support and encourage us, but there will also be those who will make it their business to discourage us.  I suppose this is just the reality that comes with the decision to adopt, but it sucks.  I can almost hear some of the phrases now: `But you already have 3 kids`, `Why can`t you just be happy with the children you already have`, `Do you really think you can handle another one`.  I know the phrases will be harsh, so I`m doing my best to prepare for that now, so that in the moment I`ll be able to react with logic and dignity as opposed to emotionally.