
Welcome to Our Special K – my adoption blog.

The choice to adopt is a very personal one, and one that should never be taken lightly.  Adoption is vowing to give a child hope, love and security – things that child may never have known otherwise.  Adoption makes a difference and saves lives.  This fact is the root that grew into the choice, that will blossom into the journey and give the gift of family.  We’re very excited to be embarking on this journey, and anxious to be stretched and matured by the process.

My husband Mike and I have been married since 2004.  We have 3 amazing boys, but our hearts still ache for a daughter.  We began the adoption process last year, but had to put it on hold when we found out we were going to be blessed with yet another biological child.  Our third son Kayden was born this past March 31st, and is indeed a blessing.  Due to my gestational diabetes, pregnancy is becoming dangerous – both for myself and the baby, so we’ve decided not to try for a biological daughter, and instead to adopt her into our family.

Thank you for joining us in this process.  It will be exciting, scary, emotional, and of course take far too long.  But it will be worth every second.

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